Do you know…..

Math Test

1) What is 1 +1 + 1

  1. Three
  2. 3
  3. A trick question
  4. Give in

2) What is 0 / 0  ( zero divided by zero )

  1. Infinity plus 0
  2. 1
  3. 0
  4. 0101010101
  5. The same as 0/0


3) What is the square root of an oak tree

  1. 3.14159265
  2. Acorn
  3. Acorn / ∏
  4. A table


4) What is 3938943749485793748947379749747488 /  1

  1. 3938943749485793748947379749747488
  2. 1
  3. An orange
  4. something between – 3938943749485793748947379749747488  and + 3938943749485793748947379749747488


5) Which is bigger 11111/11111 or 22222/22222

  1. 11111/11111
  2. 22222/22222
  3. Neither
  4. Both


6) Add up the first two numbers you think of. Was the total

  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. -3
  4. 0.42847462



7) If ten scum chavs each kill eight scum chaps what is the total killed?

  1. None
  2. Three
  3. Who cares
  4. Not enough


8) Spell 1

  1. One
  2. 1
  3. Won
  4. 111111111111111111111111111


9) What is 0.25 / 0.5

  1. .05
  2. 5.0
  3. 0.05
  4. 50.0


10) Eat any of the three numbers below

  1. 9
  2. 201
  3. 63.93834





Spelling Test


1) SpellEgypt

  1. Egypt
  2. Egipt
  3. Stupid Bugger
  4. Don’t know


2) Spell stupid

  1. Stooped
  2. 7
  3. Egypt
  4. Stuped
  5. lunatic


3) Spell accommodation

  1. Accommodation
  2. Accommodation
  3. Accommodation
  4. accommodation


4) Spell spell

  1. Spell
  2. Spel
  3. My brain hurts
  4. ssppeellll


5) Spell dysentery

  1. Crap
  2. Disentry
  3. Disisthewayin
  4. Dysentery


6) Spell I

  1. I
  2. i
  3. eye
  4. 42


7) Spell gullible

  1. nonMENSAmember
  2. gulable
  3. gull-a-bull
  4. gullible


8) Spell dyslexic

  1. Third
  2. cixelsyd
  3. dsyelcix
  4. eduiecoijiog


9) Spell intelligent

  1. intelegent
  2. intelligent
  3. interantionalspy
  4. brainy


10) Spell spegety

  1. Worms
  2. Spagehetti
  3. spegety

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