Do you know…..
Math Test
1) What is 1 +1 + 1
- Three
- 3
- A trick question
- Give in
2) What is 0 / 0 ( zero divided by zero )
- Infinity plus 0
- 1
- 0
- 0101010101
- The same as 0/0
3) What is the square root of an oak tree
- 3.14159265
- Acorn
- Acorn / ∏
- A table
4) What is 3938943749485793748947379749747488 / 1
- 3938943749485793748947379749747488
- 1
- An orange
- something between – 3938943749485793748947379749747488 and + 3938943749485793748947379749747488
5) Which is bigger 11111/11111 or 22222/22222
- 11111/11111
- 22222/22222
- Neither
- Both
6) Add up the first two numbers you think of. Was the total
- 1
- 0
- -3
- 0.42847462
7) If ten scum chavs each kill eight scum chaps what is the total killed?
- None
- Three
- Who cares
- Not enough
8) Spell 1
- One
- 1
- Won
- 111111111111111111111111111
9) What is 0.25 / 0.5
- .05
- 5.0
- 0.05
- 50.0
10) Eat any of the three numbers below
- 9
- 201
- 63.93834
Spelling Test
1) SpellEgypt
- Egypt
- Egipt
- Stupid Bugger
- Don’t know
2) Spell stupid
- Stooped
- 7
- Egypt
- Stuped
- lunatic
3) Spell accommodation
- Accommodation
- Accommodation
- Accommodation
- accommodation
4) Spell spell
- Spell
- Spel
- My brain hurts
- ssppeellll
5) Spell dysentery
- Crap
- Disentry
- Disisthewayin
- Dysentery
6) Spell I
- I
- i
- eye
- 42
7) Spell gullible
- nonMENSAmember
- gulable
- gull-a-bull
- gullible
8) Spell dyslexic
- Third
- cixelsyd
- dsyelcix
- eduiecoijiog
9) Spell intelligent
- intelegent
- intelligent
- interantionalspy
- brainy
10) Spell spegety
- Worms
- Spagehetti
- spegety