Sign of the Times MMXIIX (254)

Seeking paper towel to dry my just washed hands the paper towel dispenser struggled to provide a scrap of towel much less enough to achieve dry hands.

Opening the dispenser i found…….

……. a full roll of paper towel.

If you remove the roll you find, immediately behind the roll the instructions on how to put a new roll of towelling into the dispenser.

Peruse the instructions and compare them to the picture of how the roll had been inserted into dispenser and it is clear that the towel was placed in backwards.

The instructions are located were you have to see them to put a new roll in the dispenser. The drawings are very clear about how to [and how not to] insert a roll of towelling into the machine.

Clearly, in the race between engineers and designers striving to design bigger and better idiot proof equipment and the Universe striving to design bigger and better idiots – the Universe is winning.